January 2014

GA-H87-D3H F3 F6 F5 F6c BIOS

Gigabyte GA-H87-D3H BIOS My Gigabyte H87-D3H freeze randomly and I’m trying to try all the BIOS to test. Here are the link that i found for the oldest and beta BIOS. mb_bios_ga-h87-d3h_f3.exe mb_bios_ga-h87-d3h_f4.exe mb_bios_ga-h87-d3h_f5.exe H87D3H-2.F6c I found some of the users comments Change graphic card from AMD to NVidia -> Intel network card working without

GA-H87-D3H F3 F6 F5 F6c BIOS Read More »

Query WordPress Jetpack Stats using API and return as CSV

http://stats.wordpress.com/csv.php?api_key=123456789abc&blog_id=56174071&end=2013-12-31&day=500&limit=-1 Error: api_key is a required parameter. Required parameters: api_key, blog_id or blog_uri. Optional parameters: table, post_id, end, days, limit, summarize. Parameters: api_key String A secret unique to your WordPress.com user account. blog_id Integer The number that identifies your blog. Find it in other stats URLs. blog_uri String The full URL to the root directory

Query WordPress Jetpack Stats using API and return as CSV Read More »