mongoexport and mongoimport with query from one host to one host

I would like to query the data that I need only from a server to another server, and I just use one line of command in linux shell

mongoexport -h -d fromDB -c fromCollection -q '{ count: { $gte: 1 } }' | mongoimport -h -d toNewDB -c toNewCollection

If your date is many GB, you can run it in background using nohup

nohup "mongoexport -h -d fromDB -c fromCollection -q '{ count: { \$gte: 1 } }' | mongoimport -h -d toNewDB -c toNewCollection" &

If you want to view the current process

tail nohup.out -f

It will output something like

2016-05-17T02:34:47.822+0700	imported 1431218 documents
2016-05-17T02:36:40.240+0700	connected to: localhost
2016-05-17T02:36:40.243+0700	connected to:
2016-05-17T02:36:41.244+0700	db.collection 1000
2016-05-17T02:36:42.243+0700	db.collection  56000
2016-05-17T02:36:43.239+0700	db.collection0517	11.5 MB
2016-05-17T02:36:43.243+0700	db.collection  88000
2016-05-17T02:36:44.244+0700	db.collection  128000
2016-05-17T02:36:45.243+0700	db.collection  160000
2016-05-17T02:36:46.239+0700	db.collection0517	24.4 MB
