nginx: [emerg] open() “/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/apache/nginx_php.conf” failed

Upgarding DirectAdmin, and hit with this error.

What I found from Google

1.60.1 fixes it (it was backported to 1.60 about an hour ago too, so, those latest releases not affected). It should have affected boxes only with additional free IPs and nginx.

I have updated directadmin to latest version 1.61 but still Nginx not getting started

Updated it to 1.60.1 and nginx to latest update. As I did not have the luxury to wait I changed the server to openlitespeed.

This was planned already, so had to say nginx goodby after many happy years. ;-)

The informations are from DirectAdmin official forums.

Solution that I’ve made

I’m running nginx with DirectAdmin. I wondering why it still load the apache setting. So I’m gonna cheat it using my way to make my nginx up.

mkdir  /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/apache/
touch  /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/apache/nginx_php.conf
service nginx restart

This maybe is not the solution, but at least I bring the nginx up first and will find the solution.
