tmux common commands and best practice

Here are some simple and commonly used tmux commands that will help you navigate and manage your tmux sessions efficiently.

Basic tmux Commands

1. Start a new tmux session:


This will start a new tmux session and bring you into the tmux environment.

2. Create a new named tmux session:

tmux new -s session_name

Replace session_name with a name of your choice.

3. Attach to an existing session:

tmux attach-session -t session_name

If a tmux session is running, this will re-attach to it.

4. List all tmux sessions:

tmux list-sessions

This shows all active tmux sessions.

5. Detach from a session (without killing it):

Inside a tmux session, press:

Ctrl + b, then d

This detaches the session, allowing you to leave it running in the background.

6. Kill a session:

If you want to kill a session:

tmux kill-session -t session_name

Managing Windows and Panes in tmux

1. Create a new window:

Inside tmux, press:

Ctrl + b, then c

This creates a new window. Each window is like a separate terminal.

2. Switch between windows:

  • Switch to the next window:
    Ctrl + b, then n
  • Switch to the previous window:
    Ctrl + b, then p
  • Switch to a specific window by its number:
    Ctrl + b, then <window_number>

3. Split the current window into two panes (horizontal):

Ctrl + b, then "

This will split the window into two horizontal panes.

4. Split the current window into two panes (vertical):

Ctrl + b, then %

5. Switch between panes:

Ctrl + b, then arrow key

Use the arrow keys to move between the different panes.

6. Resize panes:

Hold Ctrl + b and use the arrow keys to resize the current pane:

Ctrl + b, then hold an arrow key

7. Close a pane:

To close a pane or window, you can simply exit the shell by typing exit or pressing Ctrl + d.

Other Useful Commands

1. Rename a window:

Ctrl + b, then ,

This allows you to rename the current window for easier identification.

2. Scroll within a pane:

Ctrl + b, then [

Use the arrow keys or PgUp/PgDn to scroll through the output in a pane.

3. Copy text from a pane:

  1. Enter copy mode:
    Ctrl + b, then [
  2. Move the cursor to select text (press Enter to copy).
  3. Paste the copied text by pressing:
    Ctrl + b, then ]

Session Management

1. Detach from tmux session:

Ctrl + b, then d

2. Rename a session:

Ctrl + b, then $

3. Switch between sessions:

  • List all sessions:
    tmux list-sessions
  • Switch to another session by its name:
    Ctrl + b, then s
    Then select the session you want to switch to.

Summary of Most Common Commands:

  • Create a new window: Ctrl + b, then c
  • Split panes (horizontal): Ctrl + b, then "
  • Split panes (vertical): Ctrl + b, then %
  • Move between panes: Ctrl + b, then arrow key
  • Detach from session: Ctrl + b, then d
  • List sessions: tmux list-sessions
  • Reattach to a session: tmux attach-session -t session_name
  • Kill a session: tmux kill-session -t session_name

By mastering these simple commands, you’ll be able to navigate and manage your tmux sessions efficiently.