Here are some simple and commonly used tmux commands that will help you navigate and manage your tmux sessions efficiently.
Basic tmux Commands
1. Start a new tmux session:
This will start a new tmux session and bring you into the tmux environment.
2. Create a new named tmux session:
tmux new -s session_name
Replace session_name
with a name of your choice.
3. Attach to an existing session:
tmux attach-session -t session_name
If a tmux session is running, this will re-attach to it.
4. List all tmux sessions:
tmux list-sessions
This shows all active tmux sessions.
5. Detach from a session (without killing it):
Inside a tmux session, press:
Ctrl + b, then d
This detaches the session, allowing you to leave it running in the background.
6. Kill a session:
If you want to kill a session:
tmux kill-session -t session_name
Managing Windows and Panes in tmux
1. Create a new window:
Inside tmux, press:
Ctrl + b, then c
This creates a new window. Each window is like a separate terminal.
2. Switch between windows:
- Switch to the next window:
Ctrl + b, then n
- Switch to the previous window:
Ctrl + b, then p
- Switch to a specific window by its number:
Ctrl + b, then <window_number>
3. Split the current window into two panes (horizontal):
Ctrl + b, then "
This will split the window into two horizontal panes.
4. Split the current window into two panes (vertical):
Ctrl + b, then %
5. Switch between panes:
Ctrl + b, then arrow key
Use the arrow keys to move between the different panes.
6. Resize panes:
Hold Ctrl + b
and use the arrow keys to resize the current pane:
Ctrl + b, then hold an arrow key
7. Close a pane:
To close a pane or window, you can simply exit the shell by typing exit
or pressing Ctrl + d
Other Useful Commands
1. Rename a window:
Ctrl + b, then ,
This allows you to rename the current window for easier identification.
2. Scroll within a pane:
Ctrl + b, then [
Use the arrow keys or PgUp/PgDn
to scroll through the output in a pane.
3. Copy text from a pane:
- Enter copy mode:
Ctrl + b, then [
- Move the cursor to select text (press
to copy). - Paste the copied text by pressing:
Ctrl + b, then ]
Session Management
1. Detach from tmux session:
Ctrl + b, then d
2. Rename a session:
Ctrl + b, then $
3. Switch between sessions:
- List all sessions:
tmux list-sessions
- Switch to another session by its name:
Then select the session you want to switch to.Ctrl + b, then s
Summary of Most Common Commands:
- Create a new window:
Ctrl + b, then c
- Split panes (horizontal):
Ctrl + b, then "
- Split panes (vertical):
Ctrl + b, then %
- Move between panes:
Ctrl + b, then arrow key
- Detach from session:
Ctrl + b, then d
- List sessions:
tmux list-sessions
- Reattach to a session:
tmux attach-session -t session_name
- Kill a session:
tmux kill-session -t session_name
By mastering these simple commands, you’ll be able to navigate and manage your tmux sessions efficiently.