Restore Discourse from Terminal

Restore discourse from terminal Preparing copy the backup file to from old host /var/discourse/shared/standalone/backups/default to new host /var/discourse/shared/standalone/backups/default Restore cd /var/discourse ./launcher enter app discourse enable_restore discourse restore juzhax-com-2021-03-21-043426-v20210315173137.tar.gz Rebuild cd /var/discourse ./launcher rebuild app

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Running two discourse in one server

I’m going to duplicate from /var/discourse to /var/discourse2 and make it run both discourse docker together in a server. Preparing sudo -s git clone /var/discourse2 cd /var/discourse2 Transfer Create a directory for the second discourse mkdir -p /var/discourse2/shared/standalone/backups/default cp /var/discourse/container/app.yml /var/discourse/container/app2.yml Modify App2.yml expose: # – “80:80” # http – – Remember to change the port # – “443[…]

Running two discourse in one server Read More »

Error: Package: ImageMagick6- (@remi)

Error message Error: Package: ImageMagick6- (@remi) Requires: ImageMagick6-libs(x86-64) = Removing: ImageMagick6-libs- (@remi) ImageMagick6-libs(x86-64) = Obsoleted By: ImageMagick-libs- (remi) ~ImageMagick-libs(x86-64) = Error: Package: ImageMagick6-c++- (@remi) Requires: ImageMagick6-libs(x86-64) = Removing: Im[…]

Error: Package: ImageMagick6- (@remi) Read More »

Error: Can’t find command linux during boot

Recently one of my server unable to start during boot time. I received the screenshot from my web hosting company and showing with these error. error: can’t find command linux . Press any key to continue … Solution The problem is the linux and initrd command used in /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg is not found in your centos (or any default boot OS). You must replace the linux to linuxefi and initrd to initrdefi inside the grub.cfg file. boot to your CentOS terminal (If can’t boot, you can try[…]

Error: Can’t find command linux during boot Read More »

Google Authenticator Crash After Update iOS 14.2

After updated iPhone to iOS 14.2, you may get crash on the Google Authenticator every time open. It makes many users cannot login to the APPs that need 2FA. The latest version is Version 3.0.1 and it was 2 years ago. I don’t think they will update soon. Solution I’ve find out this solution. Please make sure DO NOT remove or uninstall the APP. If you remove or uninstall, all your data will gone and you are not able to login to your accounts again. Settings General iPhone Storage Choose Authentica[…]

Google Authenticator Crash After Update iOS 14.2 Read More »

stack Error: EACCES: permission denied sqlite3

Installing n8n npm install n8n -g npx n8n What is n8n ? n8n (pronounced n-eight-n) helps you to interconnect every app with an API in the world with each other to share and manipulate its data without a single line of code. It is an easy to use, user-friendly and highly customizable service, which uses an intuitive user interface for you to design your unique workflows very fast. Hosted on your server and not based in the cloud, it keeps your sensible data very secure in your own trusted databas[…]

stack Error: EACCES: permission denied sqlite3 Read More »

Server installation process already in progress – waiting and retrying

This happen after my MacBook Pro wakeup from sleep. I cannot connect back to my server using Visual Studio Code. Output log from Visual Studio Code [16:26:43.681] Server installation process already in progress – waiting and retrying [16:26:43.681] Terminating local server [16:26:43.687] Local server exit: 15 [16:26:44.688] askpass server listening on /var/folders/gx/czncylwj1hx6d3_l41862hf40000gn/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-53d9a6d10ba0ccdb298527c460e7eece6924ff2c.sock [16:26:44.689] Spawning local se[…]

Server installation process already in progress – waiting and retrying Read More »

WordPress current URL Cheat Sheet

Input Currrent URL with Pagination and Query String $final_url = “{$parts[‘scheme’]}://{$parts[‘host’]}” . add_query_arg( NULL, NULL ); // Result : Current URL without Query String and ending with slash $current_url = home_url( $wp->request ); $final_url = trailingslashit( $current_url ); or $final_url = get_permalink(); or $final_url = get_page_link(); // If it is page. // Result : https://juzhax.[…]

WordPress current URL Cheat Sheet Read More »

error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard

I would like to use #include <unordered_set> in my cpp coding, but it show error when I compile. error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options. Solution Before you compile, or run do this first. cmake CMakeLists.txt Then add this in your CMakeList.txt file SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “-std=c++11 -O3”) Then try to compile again. Good Luck.

error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard Read More »