Data from SoftBank Ultra Link in Ingress

I’ve pull out the date from the game Ingress, the Mod SoftBank Ultra Link. So confirm that it added 8 out going links, and increate the range multiplier, and do not have stickiness, and increase the link defense boost. If you do not have any link, then the defense boost does not apply.

Very Rare SoftBank Ultra Link


Rare Link Amp


Data from Very Rare SoftBank Ultra Link

	"result": "1435246639589",
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [
			["1f2499eefdf84d1f8cdb1d0255bdaa25.4", 1435246646901, {
				"modResource": {
					"displayName": "SoftBank Ultra Link",
					"stats": {
						"LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER": "5000",
						"LINK_DEFENSE_BOOST": "1500"
					"rarity": "VERY_RARE",
					"resourceType": "ULTRA_LINK_AMP"
				"defaultActionRange": {},
				"locationE6": {
					"latE6": 13849520,
					"lngE6": 100720483
		"playerEntity": ["af308877c7874a9b9a9a731eb7a5cd78.c", 1435246582581, {
			"avatar": {
				"foreground": {
					"layerId": "foreground6",
					"tintColor": 9820397,
					"imageUrl": ""
				"background": {
					"layerId": "background1",
					"tintColor": 5709326,
					"imageUrl": ""
			"controllingTeam": {
				"team": "RESISTANCE"
			"playerPersonal": {
				"ap": "7475808",
				"energy": 9084,
				"allowNicknameEdit": false,
				"allowFactionChoice": false,
				"verifiedLevel": 11,
				"mediaHighWaterMarks": {
					"General": 984
				"energyState": "XM_OK",
				"notificationSettings": {
					"shouldSendEmail": false,
					"maySendPromoEmail": false,
					"shouldPushNotifyForAtPlayer": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForPortalAttacks": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForInvitesAndFactionInfo": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForNewsOfTheDay": false,
					"locale": "en"
				"profileSettings": {
					"areMetricsPublic": false
				"verificationState": "VERIFIED"
		"apGains": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"energyGlobTimestamp": "1435246639589"
